The Effect of Economc Events on Votes for President: 2000 Update

Ray C. Fair

November 1, 2002

I. Introduction

This paper updates through the 2000 election the equation originally presented in Fair (1978) explaining votes for president. Previous updates are in Fair ( 1982, 1988, 1990, 1996, 1998). The specification of the equation has not been changed from the previous update, which itself was unchanged from the update before that. The equation has simply been reestimated using the latest data. The data are discussed in Section II; the estimates are presented in Section III; and predictions for 2004 are presented in Section IV. The appendix contains a complete description of how the data were collected and a listing of all the data. The appendix allows one to duplicate the results in this paper if desired.

A non technical discussion of the vote equation is contained in Fair (2002), Predicting Presidential Elections and Other Things .

II. Updated Data

Since the last update the Department of Commerce has revised the national income and product data back to 1929, and the revised data have been used for the current update. Data prior to 1929 have been obtained, as before, from Balke and Gordon (1986). The appendix discusses the splicing of the Balke and Gordon data to the Department of Commerce data.

III. Updated Estimates

The notation for the variables is as follows:

The equation has VOTE on the left hand side and the other variables plus a constant term on the right hand side. It is linear in coefficients. The sample period begins with the 1916 election. The equation is estimated by ordinary least squares.

Column 1 of Table 1 below presents the estimates using the entire 1916-2000 sample period (22 observations). This is the equation that is used for the predictions in the next section. It is the "updated" equation. Column 2 presents for comparison purposes the previous estimates, which are based on the 1916-1996 sample period and the pre revised data. These are the estimates presented in Box 3-2, p. 47, in Fair (2002). Column 3 presents the estimates using the revised data but only the 1916-1960 sample period (12 observations).

The predicted values and errors are presented at the end of the table for each of the three sets of estimates. For column 2 the predicted value for 2000 is outside sample. For column 3 the predicted values for 1964 and beyond are outside sample, where the predicted value for 2000 is outside sample by 40 years! The predictions for column 2 use the pre revised data except for the prediction for 2000, which uses the updated data. Columns 1 and 3 use the updated data exclusively.


                           Table 1

         Three Sets of Estimates of the Vote Equation

                  1            2            3    

Sample:       1916-2000    1916-1996    1916-1960 

GROWTH          .691         .698         .805
               (6.72)       (7.45)       (7.94)

INFLATION      -.775        -.720        -.477
              (-2.71)      (-2.77)      (-1.34)

GOODNEWS        .837         .905         .701
               (3.12)       (3.86)       (2.90)

PERSON          3.25         3.99         5.21
               (2.50)       (3.25)       (4.26)

DURATION       -3.63        -3.33        -2.08
              (-3.04)      (-3.07)      (-2.34)

PARTY          -2.71        -2.84        -3.58
              (-4.65)      (-5.21)      (-6.23)

WAR             3.85         4.65         3.88
               (1.46)       (1.96)       (1.72)

INTERCEPT      49.61        48.40        47.36
              (18.08)      (19.10)      (21.88)

SE             0.0237       0.0215       0.0147 
R               0.923        0.941        0.987 

No. obs.           22           21           12

        V   |   V         |   V         |   V        
Year   act. | pred. error | pred. error | pred. error
            |             |             |            
1916   51.7 |  50.9  -0.8 |  50.7  -0.9 |  50.9  -0.8
1920   36.1 |  39.2   3.1 |  38.9   2.8 |  36.4   0.2
1924   58.2 |  57.3  -1.0 |  57.9  -0.4 |  57.6  -0.7
1928   58.8 |  57.6  -1.2 |  57.3  -1.5 |  57.4  -1.4
1932   40.8 |  38.8  -2.1 |  39.2  -1.7 |  41.2   0.4
1936   62.5 |  63.8   1.4 |  64.3   1.8 |  63.5   1.1
1940   55.0 |  55.7   0.7 |  56.0   1.0 |  55.4   0.4
1944   53.8 |  52.5  -1.2 |  52.9  -0.9 |  53.8   0.1
1948   52.4 |  50.5  -1.8 |  50.5  -1.9 |  52.1  -0.3
1952   44.6 |  44.4  -0.2 |  43.9  -0.7 |  43.9  -0.7
1956   57.8 |  57.3  -0.5 |  57.3  -0.5 |  57.6  -0.2
1960   49.9 |  51.6   1.7 |  51.1   1.2 |  51.8   1.9
1964   61.3 |  61.1  -0.3 |  61.2  -0.1 |  59.5  -1.8
1968   49.6 |  50.2   0.6 |  49.6   0.0 |  49.2  -0.4
1972   61.8 |  59.4  -2.4 |  59.8  -2.0 |  61.6  -0.2
1976   48.9 |  48.9   0.0 |  48.6  -0.4 |  51.3   2.3
1980   44.7 |  45.7   1.0 |  45.6   0.9 |  45.8   1.1
1984   59.2 |  62.0   2.9 |  61.4   2.3 |  63.7   4.6
1988   53.9 |  51.3  -2.6 |  52.4  -1.5 |  52.1  -1.8
1992   46.5 |  51.7   5.1 |  50.9   4.4 |  55.2   8.6
1996   54.7 |  53.7  -1.0 |  52.7  -2.1 |  53.0  -1.8
2000   50.3 |  48.9  -1.3 |  48.5  -1.8 |  47.1  -3.2

Comparing columns 1 and 2, the coefficient estimates are fairly close. The updating has resulted in no major changes. This is as expected because the previous equation (column 2) predicted the 2000 election well (an error of -1.8 percentage points), and so it is unlikely that adding this observation and reestimating would make much difference. A remarkable feature of the results is how well the equation estimated only through 1960 does (column 3). For this equation the eight coefficient estimates are based on only twelve observations. There are ten outside sample predictions for this equation, beginning with 1964, and the mean absolute error is only 2.6 percentage points for these ten predictions. As noted above, the 2000 prediction is outside sample by 40 years.

The predictions show that the most problematic election for the equation is 1992, where President Bush was predicted to win and yet lost to Clinton by a fairly large amount. Much of the discussion in Fair (1996) is concerned with trying to account for this error. The results for 1996 and 2000, on the other hand, are good, with errors in column 1 of only -1.0 and -1.3 percentage points respectively.

The updated coefficient estimate for GROWTH is .691, which says that a one percentage point increase in GROWTH leads to a .691 percentage point increase in the vote share. The coefficient estimate for INFLATION is -.775, which says that a one percentage point increase in INFLATION leads to a .775 percentage point decrease in the vote share. The coefficient estimate for GOODNEWS is .837, which says that each good news quarter adds .837 percentage points to the vote share.

IV. Predictions for 2004

For the 2004 election PARTY is -1, DURATION is 0, and WAR is 0. If President Bush runs again, which is assumed here, then PERSON is 1. Multiplying these values by their respective coefficients and adding the intercept gives a value of 55.57. The vote equation is then:

Given predictions for GROWTH, INFLATION, and GOODNEWS, one can use this equation to calculate VOTE. At the time of this writing (November 1, 2002), preliminary GDP data are available through 2002:3. There has so far been one good news quarters out of the seven since 2001:1, so GOODNEWS so far is 1. (The one good news quarter is 2002:1.) The average inflation rate over the seven quarters has been 1.7 percent.

The October 31, 2002, economic forecast from the US model on this site has no more predicted good news quarters, so GOODNEWS has a predicted value of 1. GROWTH is predicted to be 2.0 percent (assuming population growth of 0.9). INFLATION is predicted to be 1.9 percent, which is based on the past seven inflation rates and the eight predicted future rates. Using these economic forecasts in the above equation gives a predicted value of VOTE of 56.3 percent. President Bush is thus predicted to win by a fairly confortable margin. This is essentially the same result that was reached in Fair (2002) using the previous vote equation (see Box 4-2, p. 65).

The equation is telling a fairly simple story. President Bush has a head start because he is a Republican and is the incumbent running again. In addition, the duration variable is not working against him because the Republicans have only been in power for one consecutive term. Regarding the economy, inflation is predicted to be low, and this is good for Bush. The predicted growth rate in the year of the election is modest, which is more or less neutral for Bush, and the predicted number of good news quarters is very low, which is bad for Bush. All this adds up to a predicted value for Bush of about 56 percent of the two-party vote.

It would take a fairly poor economy for the equation to predict a Bush loss. For example, if inflation were 5 percent and the growth rate in the year of the election -4 percent, the predicted vote share would be 49.8 percent, a narrow Bush loss. Remember, however, that the estimated standard error is 2.37 percentage points, and so if the predicted vote share gets within about 3 percentage points of one half, there is considerably uncertainty regarding the winner.


Data Appendix

The data that were used to estimate the vote equation are presented in Table A-1 below. Data are presented back to 1880 even though only data back to 1916 were used in the estimation work. Quarterly data on nominal GDP, real GDP, and population are needed to construct GROWTH, INFLATION, and GOODNEWS, and these data are presented in Table A-2 at the end of this paper. In Table A-2 Y denotes nominal GDP, X denotes real GDP, and POP denotes population. Let a subscript k denote the kth quarter of the sixteen-quarter period of an administration. Also, let Z = X/POP, per capita real GDP, and let P = Y/X, the GDP deflator. Then GROWTH and INFLATION are constructed as:

where {-1} means the previous four-year election period. To construct GOODNEWS one needs to define the growth rate in a given quarter, which for quarter k is: GOODNEWS is then the number of quarters in the first 15 quarters of an administration in which gk is greater than 3.2.

VOTE is the incumbent vote divided by the Democratic plus Republican vote except for the 1912 and 1924 elections. For 1912, VOTE is the incumbent vote divided by the Democratic plus Republican plus Roosevelt vote. For 1924, VOTE is the incumbent vote plus .765 times the LaFollette vote divided by the Democratic plus Republican plus LaFollette vote. The voting data for 1880-1916 were obtained from U.S. Department of Commerce (1975), pp. 1078-1079. For 1920-1932 the data were obtained from U.S. Department of Commerce (1988), p. 232, for 1936-1992 the data were obtained from U.S. Department of Commerce (1997), p. 271, and for 1996-2000 the data were obtained from U.S. Department of Commerce (2001), p. 233.

PARTY, PERSON, DURATION, and WAR are defined in the text. In the construction of PERSON Ford is not counted as an incumbent running again, since he was not an elected vice president, whereas the other vice presidents who became president while in office are counted.

The data on nominal GDP were obtained as follows. Annual data for 1929-1945 and quarterly data for 1946:1-2002:3 were obtained from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) website on October 31, 2002. Quarterly data for 1877:1-1945:4 are available from Balke and Gordon (1986), pp. 789-795. The Balke and Gordon values for 1877:1-1928:4 were used exactly, but the values for 1929:1-1945:4 were adjusted to take account of the new BEA annual data. For 1929:1-1945:4 each quarterly value for a given year was multipled by a splicing factor for that year. The splicing factor is the ratio of the BEA value for that year to the respective yearly value in Balke and Gordon (1976), pp. 782-783.

The data on real GDP were obtained in a similar way. Annual data for 1929-1946 and quarterly data for 1947:1-2002:3 were obtained from the BEA website on October 31, 2002. Quarterly data for 1877:1-1946:4 are available from Balke and Gordon (1986), pp. 789-795. The Balke and Gordon values were spliced to the BEA values. All the Balke and Gordon quarterly values for 1877:1-1929:4 were multiplied by the same number. This number is the ratio of the BEA value for 1929 to the 1929 value in Balke and Gordon (1976), p. 782. For 1930:1-1946:4 each Balke and Gordon quarterly value for a given year was multipled by a splicing factor for that year. The splicing factor is the ratio of the BEA value for that year to the respective yearly value in Balke and Gordon (1976), pp. 782-783.

The data on population were obtained as follows. For 1877-1928 annual data were obtained from U.S. Department of Commerce (1973), pp. 200-201, A114 series. Each of these observations was multiplied by 1.000887, a splicing factor. The splicing factor is the ratio of the A114 value for 1929 in U.S. Department of Commerce (1973) to the value for 1929 in Table 8.2 in U.S. Department of Commerce (1992). For 1929-1945 annual data were obtained from U.S. Department of Commerce (1992), Table 8.2. Quarterly observations for 1877:1-1945:4 were obtained by interpolating the annual observations using the method presented in Fair (1994), Table B.6. For 1946:1-2002:3 quarterly data were obtained from the BEA website on October 31, 2002.

                            Table A-1

                    Data Used in the Estimation


 1880  50.220   -1    0     1.75    0     3.879      1.974     9
 1884  49.846   -1    0     2.00    0     1.589      1.055     2
 1888  50.414    1    1     0.00    0    -5.553      0.604     3
 1892  48.268   -1    1     0.00    0     2.763      2.274     7
 1896  47.760    1    0     0.00    0   -10.024      3.410     6
 1900  53.171   -1    1     0.00    0    -1.425      2.548     7
 1904  60.006   -1    0     1.00    0    -2.421      1.442     5
 1908  54.483   -1    0     1.25    0    -6.281      1.879     8
 1912  54.708   -1    1     1.50    0     4.164      2.172     8
 1916  51.682    1    1     0.00    0     2.229      4.252     3
 1920  36.119    1    0     1.00    1   -11.463      0.000     0
 1924  58.244   -1    1     0.00    0    -3.872      5.161    10
 1928  58.820   -1    0     1.00    0     4.623      0.183     7
 1932  40.841   -1    1     1.25    0   -14.557      7.160     4
 1936  62.458    1    1     0.00    0    11.677      2.454     9
 1940  54.999    1    1     1.00    0     3.611      0.055     8
 1944  53.774    1    1     1.25    1     4.433      0.000     0
 1948  52.370    1    1     1.50    1     2.858      0.000     0
 1952  44.595    1    0     1.75    0     0.840      2.316     6
 1956  57.764   -1    1     0.00    0    -1.394      1.930     5
 1960  49.913   -1    0     1.00    0     0.417      1.963     5
 1964  61.344    1    1     0.00    0     5.109      1.267    10
 1968  49.596    1    0     1.00    0     5.070      3.156     7
 1972  61.789   -1    1     0.00    0     6.125      4.813     4
 1976  48.948   -1    0     1.00    0     4.026      7.579     4
 1980  44.697    1    1     0.00    0    -3.594      7.926     5
 1984  59.170   -1    1     0.00    0     5.568      5.286     8
 1988  53.902   -1    0     1.00    0     2.261      3.001     4
 1992  46.545   -1    1     1.25    0     2.223      3.333     2
 1996  54.736    1    1     0.00    0     2.712      2.146     4
 2000  50.265    1    0     1.00    0     1.603      1.679     7

Click here for Table A-2.