Running, 10K, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Running, 10K, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0043
32 1.0087
33 1.0130
34 1.0174
35 1.0218
36 1.0262
37 1.0306
38 1.0351
39 1.0395
40 1.0440
41 1.0541
42 1.0643
43 1.0746
44 1.0849
45 1.0954
46 1.1060
47 1.1166
48 1.1274
49 1.1383
50 1.1493
51 1.1604
52 1.1716
53 1.1829
54 1.1943
55 1.2058
56 1.2175
57 1.2292
58 1.2411
59 1.2531
60 1.2661
61 1.2800
62 1.2950
63 1.3111
64 1.3283
65 1.3467
66 1.3663
67 1.3871
68 1.4092
69 1.4327
70 1.4576
71 1.4839
72 1.5117
73 1.5412
74 1.5723
75 1.6052
76 1.6398
77 1.6764
78 1.7150
79 1.7557
80 1.7987
81 1.8439
82 1.8916
83 1.9419
84 1.9949
85 2.0508
86 2.1097
87 2.1718
88 2.2373
89 2.3064
90 2.3792
91 2.4561
92 2.5372
93 2.6228
94 2.7131
95 2.8086