Running, 5000 meters, outdoor track, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Running, 5000 meters, outdoor, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0059
32 1.0118
33 1.0178
34 1.0237
35 1.0298
36 1.0358
37 1.0419
38 1.0481
39 1.0542
40 1.0604
41 1.0718
42 1.0834
43 1.0950
44 1.1068
45 1.1187
46 1.1307
47 1.1429
48 1.1552
49 1.1676
50 1.1801
51 1.1928
52 1.2057
53 1.2186
54 1.2317
55 1.2450
56 1.2584
57 1.2719
58 1.2856
59 1.2994
60 1.3134
61 1.3275
62 1.3418
63 1.3562
64 1.3708
65 1.3855
66 1.4005
67 1.4168
68 1.4350
69 1.4553
70 1.4776
71 1.5020
72 1.5287
73 1.5578
74 1.5894
75 1.6235
76 1.6604
77 1.7002
78 1.7431
79 1.7892
80 1.8388
81 1.8920
82 1.9491
83 2.0104
84 2.0761
85 2.1465
86 2.2221
87 2.3031
88 2.3899
89 2.4830
90 2.5828
91 2.6900
92 2.8049
93 2.9284
94 3.0609
95 3.2034