Running, 5K, men
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Running, 5K, men age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0056
32 1.0112
33 1.0169
34 1.0226
35 1.0284
36 1.0341
37 1.0399
38 1.0458
39 1.0516
40 1.0575
41 1.0664
42 1.0754
43 1.0845
44 1.0936
45 1.1028
46 1.1121
47 1.1215
48 1.1309
49 1.1404
50 1.1500
51 1.1597
52 1.1695
53 1.1793
54 1.1893
55 1.1993
56 1.2094
57 1.2195
58 1.2298
59 1.2402
60 1.2506
61 1.2611
62 1.2718
63 1.2825
64 1.2933
65 1.3042
66 1.3151
67 1.3262
68 1.3387
69 1.3536
70 1.3709
71 1.3909
72 1.4135
73 1.4390
74 1.4673
75 1.4988
76 1.5335
77 1.5717
78 1.6136
79 1.6594
80 1.7094
81 1.7639
82 1.8232
83 1.8877
84 1.9578
85 2.0340
86 2.1167
87 2.2064
88 2.3039
89 2.4098
90 2.5248
91 2.6498
92 2.7857
93 2.9335
94 3.0944
95 3.2697