Running, half marathon, men
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Running, half marathon, men age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0052
32 1.0105
33 1.0158
34 1.0211
35 1.0264
36 1.0318
37 1.0372
38 1.0426
39 1.0481
40 1.0536
41 1.0623
42 1.0712
43 1.0801
44 1.0891
45 1.0981
46 1.1073
47 1.1165
48 1.1258
49 1.1351
50 1.1446
51 1.1541
52 1.1637
53 1.1734
54 1.1831
55 1.1930
56 1.2029
57 1.2129
58 1.2230
59 1.2332
60 1.2434
61 1.2538
62 1.2643
63 1.2758
64 1.2883
65 1.3020
66 1.3169
67 1.3330
68 1.3503
69 1.3690
70 1.3889
71 1.4103
72 1.4331
73 1.4574
74 1.4832
75 1.5107
76 1.5399
77 1.5709
78 1.6038
79 1.6386
80 1.6755
81 1.7145
82 1.7558
83 1.7995
84 1.8458
85 1.8947
86 1.9464
87 2.0011
88 2.0589
89 2.1200
90 2.1847
91 2.2530
92 2.3254
93 2.4019
94 2.4828
95 2.5685