Running, half marathon, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Running, half marathon, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0021
32 1.0042
33 1.0063
34 1.0084
35 1.0106
36 1.0127
37 1.0148
38 1.0170
39 1.0191
40 1.0213
41 1.0327
42 1.0443
43 1.0560
44 1.0679
45 1.0799
46 1.0920
47 1.1043
48 1.1167
49 1.1292
50 1.1419
51 1.1547
52 1.1676
53 1.1808
54 1.1940
55 1.2074
56 1.2210
57 1.2347
58 1.2485
59 1.2626
60 1.2772
61 1.2929
62 1.3097
63 1.3275
64 1.3465
65 1.3667
66 1.3881
67 1.4108
68 1.4348
69 1.4601
70 1.4869
71 1.5152
72 1.5451
73 1.5766
74 1.6098
75 1.6448
76 1.6816
77 1.7205
78 1.7614
79 1.8044
80 1.8498
81 1.8975
82 1.9478
83 2.0007
84 2.0565
85 2.1152
86 2.1770
87 2.2421
88 2.3106
89 2.3829
90 2.4590
91 2.5393
92 2.6239
93 2.7132
94 2.8073
95 2.9066