Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 100 meters, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 100 meters, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0011
32 1.0022
33 1.0033
34 1.0044
35 1.0055
36 1.0067
37 1.0078
38 1.0089
39 1.0100
40 1.0111
41 1.0180
42 1.0248
43 1.0318
44 1.0387
45 1.0458
46 1.0528
47 1.0599
48 1.0671
49 1.0743
50 1.0816
51 1.0889
52 1.0962
53 1.1037
54 1.1111
55 1.1186
56 1.1262
57 1.1338
58 1.1415
59 1.1492
60 1.1569
61 1.1648
62 1.1726
63 1.1806
64 1.1885
65 1.1966
66 1.2046
67 1.2128
68 1.2210
69 1.2295
70 1.2398
71 1.2521
72 1.2664
73 1.2827
74 1.3013
75 1.3221
76 1.3453
77 1.3709
78 1.3991
79 1.4301
80 1.4640
81 1.5009
82 1.5410
83 1.5847
84 1.6320
85 1.6833
86 1.7388
87 1.7988
88 1.8637
89 1.9339
90 2.0098
91 2.0917
92 2.1803
93 2.2761
94 2.3796
95 2.4917