Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 1500 meters, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 1500 meters, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0049
32 1.0097
33 1.0147
34 1.0196
35 1.0245
36 1.0295
37 1.0345
38 1.0396
39 1.0446
40 1.0497
41 1.0548
42 1.0599
43 1.0651
44 1.0702
45 1.0754
46 1.0807
47 1.0859
48 1.0912
49 1.0965
50 1.1018
51 1.1072
52 1.1126
53 1.1180
54 1.1234
55 1.1289
56 1.1345
57 1.1408
58 1.1479
59 1.1560
60 1.1649
61 1.1748
62 1.1857
63 1.1975
64 1.2103
65 1.2242
66 1.2391
67 1.2551
68 1.2722
69 1.2906
70 1.3101
71 1.3309
72 1.3531
73 1.3766
74 1.4015
75 1.4279
76 1.4559
77 1.4856
78 1.5169
79 1.5500
80 1.5850
81 1.6220
82 1.6611
83 1.7023
84 1.7459
85 1.7918
86 1.8403
87 1.8916
88 1.9456
89 2.0027
90 2.0629
91 2.1266
92 2.1937
93 2.2647
94 2.3396
95 2.4188