Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 200 meters, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 200 meters, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0048
32 1.0095
33 1.0144
34 1.0192
35 1.0240
36 1.0289
37 1.0338
38 1.0387
39 1.0437
40 1.0487
41 1.0537
42 1.0587
43 1.0637
44 1.0688
45 1.0739
46 1.0790
47 1.0841
48 1.0893
49 1.0945
50 1.0997
51 1.1049
52 1.1102
53 1.1155
54 1.1208
55 1.1261
56 1.1315
57 1.1369
58 1.1423
59 1.1477
60 1.1532
61 1.1587
62 1.1642
63 1.1700
64 1.1769
65 1.1851
66 1.1946
67 1.2055
68 1.2178
69 1.2315
70 1.2467
71 1.2633
72 1.2816
73 1.3015
74 1.3231
75 1.3465
76 1.3718
77 1.3990
78 1.4283
79 1.4597
80 1.4934
81 1.5295
82 1.5681
83 1.6094
84 1.6535
85 1.7006
86 1.7509
87 1.8047
88 1.8620
89 1.9232
90 1.9885
91 2.0582
92 2.1326
93 2.2120
94 2.2968
95 2.3874