Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 400 meters, men
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 400 meters, men age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0032
32 1.0065
33 1.0098
34 1.0130
35 1.0163
36 1.0196
37 1.0229
38 1.0262
39 1.0296
40 1.0329
41 1.0375
42 1.0421
43 1.0467
44 1.0513
45 1.0559
46 1.0606
47 1.0653
48 1.0700
49 1.0748
50 1.0795
51 1.0843
52 1.0891
53 1.0939
54 1.0987
55 1.1036
56 1.1085
57 1.1134
58 1.1183
59 1.1237
60 1.1300
61 1.1372
62 1.1453
63 1.1544
64 1.1643
65 1.1753
66 1.1873
67 1.2003
68 1.2143
69 1.2295
70 1.2458
71 1.2632
72 1.2819
73 1.3018
74 1.3231
75 1.3457
76 1.3697
77 1.3952
78 1.4223
79 1.4510
80 1.4814
81 1.5135
82 1.5476
83 1.5836
84 1.6217
85 1.6619
86 1.7044
87 1.7494
88 1.7968
89 1.8470
90 1.9000
91 1.9560
92 2.0152
93 2.0778
94 2.1439
95 2.2138