Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 400 meters, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 400 meters, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0043
32 1.0086
33 1.0130
34 1.0173
35 1.0217
36 1.0261
37 1.0305
38 1.0349
39 1.0394
40 1.0438
41 1.0483
42 1.0528
43 1.0573
44 1.0619
45 1.0664
46 1.0710
47 1.0756
48 1.0803
49 1.0849
50 1.0896
51 1.0942
52 1.0990
53 1.1037
54 1.1084
55 1.1132
56 1.1182
57 1.1241
58 1.1308
59 1.1384
60 1.1468
61 1.1561
62 1.1664
63 1.1776
64 1.1897
65 1.2029
66 1.2170
67 1.2323
68 1.2486
69 1.2660
70 1.2846
71 1.3044
72 1.3254
73 1.3478
74 1.3716
75 1.3967
76 1.4234
77 1.4516
78 1.4814
79 1.5129
80 1.5462
81 1.5814
82 1.6185
83 1.6577
84 1.6991
85 1.7427
86 1.7888
87 1.8374
88 1.8887
89 1.9428
90 1.9999
91 2.0601
92 2.1237
93 2.1909
94 2.2618
95 2.3366