Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 800 meters, women
Enter best time ever:
Hours Minutes Seconds
Age at best time ever

The above calculations use the Swimming, LCM, freestyle, 800 meters, women age factors computed in Fair (2024). The age factors are:

30 1.0000
31 1.0020
32 1.0040
33 1.0060
34 1.0080
35 1.0100
36 1.0120
37 1.0140
38 1.0160
39 1.0180
40 1.0200
41 1.0267
42 1.0334
43 1.0401
44 1.0469
45 1.0537
46 1.0606
47 1.0675
48 1.0744
49 1.0814
50 1.0885
51 1.0956
52 1.1027
53 1.1099
54 1.1171
55 1.1244
56 1.1317
57 1.1391
58 1.1465
59 1.1540
60 1.1615
61 1.1696
62 1.1787
63 1.1888
64 1.2001
65 1.2125
66 1.2260
67 1.2407
68 1.2567
69 1.2739
70 1.2924
71 1.3123
72 1.3337
73 1.3565
74 1.3808
75 1.4068
76 1.4345
77 1.4639
78 1.4952
79 1.5284
80 1.5637
81 1.6011
82 1.6408
83 1.6829
84 1.7275
85 1.7748
86 1.8249
87 1.8780
88 1.9343
89 1.9939
90 2.0570
91 2.1240
92 2.1949
93 2.2702
94 2.3499
95 2.4345