Equation number = 1 ********************** Dependent variable = LSP1 1954.1 - 2023.4, 0 missing obs., 280 obs. used. Mean of dependent variable 0.018781497 Coef est SE T statistic Mean 315 C ( 0) 0.016990632 0.010092137 1.68355 1.000000 254 T ( 0) 0.000004915 0.000059292 0.08290 148.500000 316 LSP1 ( -1) 0.056985583 0.060087104 0.94838 0.018618 SE of equation = 0.080192760 Sum of squared residuals = 1.78135340 0.331679129E-14 Average absolute error = 0.059695309 Sum of ABS residuals = 16.7146866 R squared = 0.00326 Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.99128 SMPL and No. Obs. = 1954.1 2023.4 280 Equation number = 2 ********************** Dependent variable = LSP1 1954.1 - 2023.4, 0 missing obs., 280 obs. used. Mean of dependent variable 0.018781497 Coef est SE T statistic Mean 315 C ( 0) 0.073839529 0.056450991 1.30803 1.000000 254 T ( 0) -0.000604379 0.000622092 -0.97153 148.500000 316 LSP1 ( -1) 0.054262544 0.060005608 0.90429 0.018618 317 LSPDIV ( -1) -0.147013546 0.114776099 -1.28087 0.823890 317 LSPDIV ( -2) 0.191112839 0.114784224 1.66497 0.810019 SE of equation = 0.080015351 Sum of squared residuals = 1.76067549 -0.412156420E-12 Average absolute error = 0.059907080 Sum of ABS residuals = 16.7739824 R squared = 0.01483 Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.99428 SMPL and No. Obs. = 1954.1 2023.4 280 Equation number = 3 ********************** Dependent variable = LSP1 1954.1 - 2023.4, 0 missing obs., 280 obs. used. Mean of dependent variable 0.018781497 Coef est SE T statistic Mean 315 C ( 0) 0.012477268 0.019424644 0.64234 1.000000 34 RS ( -1) -0.005128433 0.008446454 -0.60717 4.176083 34 RS ( -2) 0.003325103 0.008699826 0.38220 4.164179 28 RM ( -1) -0.018521573 0.013544934 -1.36742 7.308387 28 RM ( -2) 0.021576574 0.012453538 1.73257 7.300196 126 PCGDPR ( -1) 0.000338759 0.001149030 0.29482 3.064775 127 PCGDPD ( -2) -0.002886031 0.002606419 -1.10728 3.227254 SE of equation = 0.079582866 Sum of squared residuals = 1.72902707 0.440050774E-12 Average absolute error = 0.058457855 Sum of ABS residuals = 16.3681995 R squared = 0.03254 Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.94792 SMPL and No. Obs. = 1954.1 2023.4 280