Earlier Predictit Data for the 2020 Presidential Election

Data collected from Predictit on September 8, 2020

On this date, 19 states had market probabilities on the Predictit website less than 90 percent and greater than 10 percent for the Democrats winning the state. The 19 states, ranked by market probabilities for the Democratic candidate, are:

state prob votes sumvotes
Maine not 0282 3212
Nevada80 6218
New Hampshire71 4222
Minnesota 70 10232
Michigan69 16248
Nebraska 0267 1249
Wisconsin65 10259
Arizona 63 11270pivot
Pennsylvania63 20290pivot
Florida53 29
North Carolina49 15
Ohio36 18
Maine 0236 1
Georgia 35 16
Iowa31 6
Texas29 38
Alaska 15 3
Missouri 12 10
Montana12 3
60 = Predictit market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election.

"sumvotes" is the sum of the electoral votes of all the states ranked above the state plus the state's vote. 270 votes are needed to win. You can see that Arizona or Pennsylvania is the pivot state (they have equal probabilities). If Biden takes Arizona or Pennsylvania and all the states ranked above it, he gets 270 or 290 votes. Of the states ranked below Arizona and Pennslyvania, he could also win by not taking Arizona and Pennsylvania but taking Florida. This would, of course, violate the ranking assumption.

There is evidence that traders are more or less using the ranking assumption. According to the ranking assumption, the probability that the Democrats get a majority in the electoral college is the probability that they win the pivot state, Arizona or Pennslyvania, which is 63. On the Predictit website, the market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election (in the electoral college) is 60, close to 63.

Data collected from Predictit on September 22, 2020

On this date, 19 states had market probabilities on the Predictit website less than 90 percent and greater than 10 percent for the Democrats winning the state. The 19 states, ranked by market probabilities for the Democratic candidate, are:

state prob votes sumvotes
New Mexico89 5200
Colorado 89 9209
Maine not 0286 3212
Nevada76 6218
Minnesota 75 10228
Michigan72 16244
New Hampshire71 4248
Wisconsin66 10258
Nebraska 0265 1259
Arizona 65 11270pivot
Pennsylvania64 20
Florida48 29
North Carolina47 15
Maine 0247 1
Iowa36 6
Ohio34 18
Georgia 34 16
Texas26 38
Alaska 16 3
59 = Predictit market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election.

"sumvotes" is the sum of the electoral votes of all the states ranked above the state plus the state's vote. 270 votes are needed to win. You can see that Arizona is the pivot state. If Biden takes Arizona and all the states ranked above it, he gets 270 votes. Of the states ranked below Arizona, he could also win by not taking Arizona, but taking Pennsylvania, Florida, or North Carolina. This would, of course, violate the ranking assumption.

There is evidence that traders are more or less using the ranking assumption. According to the ranking assumption, the probability that the Democrats get a majority in the electoral college is the probability that they win the pivot state, Arizona, which is 65. On the Predictit website, the market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election (in the electoral college) is 59, close to 65.

Data collected from Predictit on October 6, 2020

On this date, 21 states had market probabilities on the Predictit website less than 90 percent and greater than 10 percent for the Democrats winning the state. The 21 states, ranked by market probabilities for the Democratic candidate, are:

state prob votes sumvotes
Minnesota 79 10222
New Hampshire79 4226
Nevada78 6232
Nebraska 0278 1233
Michigan77 16249
Wisconsin72 10259
Pennsylvania71 20279pivot
Arizona 68 11
Maine 0256 1
Florida55 29
North Carolina53 15
Ohio44 18
Georgia 43 16
Iowa41 6
Texas31 38
Alaska 21 3
South Carolina20 9
Missouri14 10
Montana 13 3
Kansas11 6
Indiana 11 11
66 = Predictit market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election.

"sumvotes" is the sum of the electoral votes of all the states ranked above the state plus the state's vote. 270 votes are needed to win. You can see that Pennsylvania is the pivot state. If Biden takes Pennsylvania and all the states ranked above it, he gets 279 votes. Of the states ranked below Pennsylvania, he could also win by not taking Pennsylvania, but taking Arizona, Florida, or North Carolina, where he is favored. This would, of course, violate the ranking assumption.

According to the ranking assumption, the probability that the Democrats get a majority in the electoral college is the probability that they win the pivot state, Pennsylvania, which is 71. On the Predictit website, the market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election (in the electoral college) is 66, slightly below 71. So the market participants are not quite using the ranking assumption.

Data collected from Predictit on October 20, 2020

On this date, 20 states had market probabilities on the Predictit website less than 90 percent and greater than 10 percent for the Democrats winning the state. The 20 states, ranked by market probabilities for the Democratic candidate, are:

state prob votes sumvotes
New Mexico 89 5200
Colorado 89 9209
Maine not 02 88 3212
New Hampshire78 4216
Nebraska 0277 1217
Minnesota 76 10227
Nevada74 6233
Wisconsin68 10243
Pennsylvania68 20263
Michigan67 16279pivot
Arizona 58 11
North Carolina52 15
Florida51 29
Maine 0242 1
Georgia 41 16
Ohio36 18
Iowa33 6
Texas29 38
Alaska 15 3
South Carolina11 9
64 = Predictit market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election.

"sumvotes" is the sum of the electoral votes of all the states ranked above the state plus the state's vote. 270 votes are needed to win. You can see that Michigan is the pivot state. If Biden takes Michigan and all the states ranked above it, he gets 279 votes. Of the states ranked below Michigan, he could also win by not taking Michigan, but taking Arizona, where he is favored. This would, of course, violate the ranking assumption.

According to the ranking assumption, the probability that the Democrats get a majority in the electoral college is the probability that they win the pivot state, Michigan, which is 67. On the Predictit website, the market-based probability that the Democrats win the presidential election (in the electoral college) is 64, close to 67. So the market participants are roughly using the ranking assumption.