Work with the US and MC Models


This part of the site brings the power of large scale macroeconometric analysis to anyone with access to the internet. It is a resource for business forecasters, government policy analysts, macroeconomic researchers, teachers, and students. You can:
  • Work with a U.S. macroeconometric model or a multicountry econometric model to forecast, do policy analysis, and examine historical episodes. For example, you can change government policy variables and examine the estimated effects of the changes.
  • Table and graph online and/or download all or part of the historical data, forecast data, and data you may have created.
  • Read online and/or download all the documentation, memos, and papers.
  • Download for use on your own computer the Fair-Parke (FP) program and the models.
  • Download for use on your own computer the US model in EViews.

US Model Update, April 29, 2021

Actual data through 2021.1 have been collected. The model has been estimated through 2021.1 and used to make a forecast for the 2021.2--2025.4 period. Dummy variables for the five pandemic quarters, 2020.1--2021.1, have been used as explanatory variables in some of the estimated equations to account for the unexplained pandemic effects. The forecasts are discussed and presented in Forecast Memo and Selected Variables---html, Selected Variables---pdf.

The current forecast is discussed in more detail in What Do Price Equations Say About Future Inflation?.

MC Model Update, 2018

The latest version of the multicountry model, denoted the MCJ model, was updated in 2018. It incorporates the US model that was updated in January 28, 2018, sometimes denoted the YAW model.

Documentation for the US and MC Models

Getting Started

As noted above, the complete documentation for the models is in Macroeconometric Modeling: 2018. You should at least look this over. The additional reading for the US model is:

The additional reading for the MCJ model is:

When you are ready to use the US or MCJ model, click "(solve)" below.

The US Model (solve)

  • Note for the April 29, 2021, version: In the paper, What Do Price Equations Say About Future Inflation? two forecasts are presented in Table 7. The first has the estimated Fed rule (equation 30) turned off and RS set to 0.05 for all quarters of the forecast period. The second uses the estimated Fed rule. The default when solving the model is to use the Fed rule. This duplicates the second forecast in Table 7. If you want to run the first forecast in Table 7, drop the RS equation, 30, and set RS to 0.05 for all quarters of the forecast period. This will duplicate the first forecast in Table 7.
  • Note on some options: For some options you may need to hit the back space arrow on your browser one or two times once you have made any changes to get back to the main page. Doing this will not erase your changes.

Forecast Memo and Selected Variables---html, Selected Variables---pdf
Forecast Record
Download the US Model for the Fair-Parke program
Download the US Model for EViews
Appendix A, April 29, 2021
Appendix C: Changes to the US Model Beginning April 29, 2021
The US Model Workbook, April 29, 2021
Macroeconometric Modeling: 2018 Contains a complete description of the January 28, 2018, version of the US model.

The MCJ Model (solve) NOTE: For some options you may need to hit the back space arrow on your browser one or two times once you have made any changes to get back to the main page. Doing this will not erase your changes.

The MCJ Model Workbook
Macroeconometric Modeling: 2018 Contains a complete description of the MCJ model.
Appendix A Appendix A in Macroeconometric Modeling: 2018, the US model.
Appendix B Appendix B in Macroeconometric Modeling: 2018, the ROW model.

The MCJ2 Model (solve) NOTE: For some options you may need to hit the back space arrow on your browser one or two times once you have made any changes to get back to the main page. Doing this will not erase your changes.
Appendix B for the MCJ2 Model.

The Fair-Parke Program

Articles About the Site

Previous Versions of the US and MC Models

Previous US Versions
Previous MC Versions