Appendix B: Tables for the ROW Model
Table B.1: The Countries and Variables in the MC Model
Table B.2: The Variables for a Given Country in Alphabetical Order
Table B.3: The Equations for a Given Country
Table B.4: Equations the Pertain to the Trade and Price Links Among Countries
Table B.5: Links Between the US and ROW Models
Table B.6: The Procedure Used to Create Quarterly Data from Annual Data
Table B.7: Construction of the Balance of Payments Data: Data for S and TT
Table B.1: The Countries and Variables in the MC Model
				Table B.1
                   The Countries and Variables in the MC Model

Quarterly Countries      Local Currency     Trade Share Equations Only

 1. US  United States    U.S. Dollars (mil.)    34. NI  Nigeria 
 2. CA  Canada           Can. Dollars (mil.)    35. AL  Algeria 
 3. JA  Japan            Yen (bil.)             36. IA  Indonesia 
 4. AU  Austria          Schillings (bil.)      37. IN  Iran 
 5. FR  France           Fr. Francs (bil.)      38. IQ  Iraq 
 6. GE  Germany          D. Mark (bil.)         39. KU  Kuwait 
 7. IT  Italy            Lire (bil.)            40. LI  Libya 
 8. NE  Netherlands      Guilders (bil.)        41. UA  United Arab Emirates 
 9. ST  Switzerland      Swiss Francs (bil.)    42. IS  Israel 
10. UK  United Kingdom   U.K. Pounds (mil.)     43. BA  Bangladesh 
11. FI  Finland          Markkaa (mil.)         44. SI  Singapore 
12. AS  Australia        Aust. Dollars (mil.)   45. AO  All Other 
13. SO  South Africa     Rand (mil.)
14. KO  Korea            Won (bil.) 

Annual Countries 

15. BE  Belgium          Bel. Francs (bil.)  
16. DE  Denmark          Den. Kroner (bil.)  
17. NO  Norway           Nor. Kroner (bil.)  
18. SW  Sweden           Swe. Kroner (bil.)  
19. GR  Greece           Drachmas (bil.) 
20. IR  Ireland          Irish Pounds (mil.) 
21. PO  Portugal         Escudos (bil.)  
22. SP  Spain            Pesetas (bil.)  
23. NZ  New Zealand      N.Z. Dollars (mil.)
24. SA  Saudi Arabia     Riyals (bil.) 
25. VE  Venezuela        Bolivares (bil.) 
26. CO  Colombia         Col. Pesos (bil.)
27. JO  Jordan           Jor. Dinars (mil.)
28. SY  Syria            Syr. Pounds (mil.) 
29. ID  India            Ind. Rupees (bil.)
30. MA  Malaysia         Ringgit (mil.) 
31. PA  Pakistan         Pak. Rupees (bil.)
32. PH  Philippines      Phil. Pesos (bil.)
33. TH  Thailand         Baht (bil.) 

A Brief Listing of the Variables per Country 

Variables Determined by Stochastic Equations: 

 1.   M       Merchandise Imports, 90 lc 
 2.   C       Consumption, constant lc 
 3.   I       Fixed Investment, constant lc 
 4.   Y       Real GDP, constant lc 
 5.   PY      GDP Deflator, base year = 1.0 
 6.   M1      Money Supply, lc 
 7.   RS      Three Month Interest Rate, percentage points 
 8.   RB      Long Term Interest Rate, percentage points 
 9.   E or H  Exchange Rate, lc per $ or lc per DM  
10.   F       Three Month Forward Rate, lc per $  
11.   PX      Export Price Index, 1990 = 1.0 
12.   W       Nominal Wage Rate, base year = 1.0 
13.   J       Employment, thousands 
14.   L1      Labor Force---men, thousands 
15.   L2      Labor Force---women, thousands 

Variables Determined by Identities: 

I-1.  IM      Total Imports (NIPA), constant lc 
I-2.  EX      Total Exports (NIPA), constant lc 
I-3.  X       Final Sales, constant lc 
I-4.  V1      Inventory Investment, constant lc 
I-5.  V       Inventory Stock, constant lc 
I-6.  S       Balance of Payments, lc 
I-7.  A       Net Stock of Foreign Security and Reserve Holdings, lc 
I-8.  M90$A   Merchandise Imports from the Trade Share Calculations, 90 $  
I-9.  EE      Exchange Rate, end of period, lc per $  
I-12. UR      Unemployment Rate 
I-13. JMIN    Minimum Required Employment, thousands 
I-14. JJ      Employment Population Ratio 
I-15. JJS     Peak to Peak Interpolation of JJ 
I-16. Z       Labor Constraint Variable 
I-17. YS      Potential Y         
I-18. ZZ      Demand Pressure Variable 
I-19. PM      Import Price Index, 1990 = 1.0 
I-20. E       Exchange Rate, lc per $ (used for European countries except GE)

Variables Determined by the Trade Share Calculations: 

      a       Trade Share Coefficients from Trade Share Equations 
L-1.  PX$     Export Price Index, 1990 = 1.0 
L-2.  X90$    Merchandise Exports from the Trade Share Calculations, 90 $
L-3.  PMP     Import Price Index from the Trade Share Calculations, 1990 =1.0 
L-4.  PW$     World Price Index, 1990 = 1.0 

Exogenous Variables: 

  AF      Level of the Armed Forces, thousands 
  EXDS    Export Discrepancy, 90 lc 
  E90     E in 1990, 90 lc per 90 $  
  G       Government Expenditures, constant lc 
  IMDS    Import Discrepancy, 90 lc 
  JJP     Peak to Peak Interpolation of JJ  
  LAM     Peak to Peak Interpolation of Y/J  
  MS      Non Merchandise Imports, 90 lc 
  M90$B   Merchandise Imports from Countries other than 
          the 44 in the Trade Share Matrix, 90 $   
  PM90    PM in Base Year divided by PM in 1990 
  POP     Population, millions 
  POP1    Population of men, thousands 
  POP2    Population of women, thousands 
  PSI1    Ratio of (EE + EE-1)/2 to E  
  PSI2    Ratio of PM to PMP  
  PX90    PX in Base Year divided by PX in 1990 
  STAT    NIPA Statistical Discrepancy 
  T       Time Trend 
  TT      Total Net Transfers, lc 
  XS      Non Merchandise Exports, 90 lc 


 lc           local currency 
 90 lc        1990 local currency 
 constant lc  local currency in the NIPA base year 
Table B.2: The Variables for a Given Country in Alphabetical Order
				Table B.2  
            The Variables for a Given Country in Alphabetical Order 

Variable   Eq.No.   Description

A     I-7    Net stock of foreign security and reserve holdings, end of 
             quarter, in lc. [A-1 + S. Base value of zero used for the 
             quarter prior to the beginning of the data.]  
AF    exog   Level of the armed forces in thousands. [OECD data.]  
C     2      Personal consumption in constant lc. [OECD data or IFS96F/CPI.]  
CPI   none   Consumer price index, 1990 = 1.0. [(IFS64 or IFS64X)/100.]  
E     9      Exchange rate, average for the period, lc per $ . [IFSRF.]  
EE    I-9    Exchange rate, end of period, lc per $ . [IFSAE.]  
EX    I-2    Total exports (NIPA) in constant lc. [OECD data or (IFS90C 
             or IFS90N)/ PX.]  
EXDS  exog   Discrepancy between NIPA export data and other export data 
             in 90 lc. [ EX - PX90(E90*X90$ + XS).]  
E90   exog   E in 1990, 90 lc per 90 $. [IFSRF in 1990.]  
F     10     Three month forward rate, lc per $. [IFSB.]  
G     exog   Government purchases of goods and services in constant lc. 
             [OECD data or (IFS91F or IFS91FF)/PY.]  
H     9      Exchange rate, end of period, lc per GE mark.  [E/EGE]
I     3      Gross fixed investment in constant lc. [OECD data or IFS93/PY.]  
IM    I-1    Total imports (NIPA) in constant lc. [OECD data or IFS98C/PM.]  
IMDS  exog   Discrepancy between NIPA import data and other import data 
             in 90 lc. [IM - PM90(M + MS).]  
IP    none   Industrial production index, 1990 = 100. [IFS66 or 
             other 66 options.]  
J     13     Total employment in thousands. [OECD data or IFS67.]  
JJ    I-14   Employment population ratio. [J/POP.]  
JJP   exog   Peak to peak interpolation of JJ. [See Section 3.3.3.]  
JJS   I-15   Ratio of JJ to JJP. [JJ/JJP.]  
JMIN  I-13   Minimum amount of employment needed to produce Y in thousands. 
LAM   exog   Peak to peak interpolation of Y/J . [See Section 3.3.3.]  
L1    14     Labor force of men in thousands. [OECD data.]  
L2    15     Labor force of women in thousands. [OECD data.] 
M     1      Total merchandise imports (fob) in 90 lc. [IFS71V/PM.]  
MS    exog   Other goods, services, and income (debit) in 90 lc, BOP data. 
M90$A I-8    Merchandise imports (fob) from the trade share matrix in 90 $ .
             [See Table B.3.]  
M90$B exog   Difference between total merchandise imports and merchandise 
             imports from the trade share matrix in 90 $  (i.e., imports 
             from countries other than the 44 in the trade share matrix). 
             [M/E90 - M90$A.]  
M1    6      Money supply in lc. [IFS34 or IFS34..B.]  
PM    I-19   Import price index, 1990 = 1.0. [IFS75/100.]  
PMP   L-3    Import price index from DOT data, 1990 = 1.0. [See Table B.3.]  
PM90  exog   PM in the NIPA base year divided by PM in 1990.  
POP   exog   Population in millions. [IFS99Z.] 
POP1  exog   Population of men in thousands. [OECD data.]  
POP2  exog   Population of women in thousands. [OECD data.]  
PSI1  exog   [(EE + EE-1)/2]/E.]  
PSI2  exog   [PM/PMP.]  
PW$   L-4    World price index, $/90$. [See Table B.4.]  
PX    11     Export price index, 1990 = 1.0. [IFS74/100.]  
PX$   L-1    Export price index, $/90$, 1990 = 1.0. [(E90*PX)/E.]  
PX90  exog   PX in the NIPA base year divided by PX in 1990.  
PY    5      GDP or GNP deflator, equals 1.0 in the NIPA base year. 
             [OECD data or (IFS99B/IFS99B.P.]  
RB    8      Long term interest rate, percentage points. [IFS61 or IFS61A.]  
RS    7      Three month interest rate, percentage points. [IFS60 or 
             IFS60B or IFS60C or IFS60X.]  
S     I-6    Total net goods, services, and transfers in lc. Balance of 
             payments on current account. Saving of the country. 
             [See Table B.7.]  
STAT  exog   Statistical discrepancy in constant lc. [Y-C-I-G-EX+IM-V1.]  
T     exog   Time trend. [For quarterly data, 1 in 1952.1, 2 in 1952.2, etc.; 
             for annual data, 1 in 1952, 2 in 1953, etc.]  
TT    exog   Total net transfers in lc. [See Table B.6.]  
UR    I-12   Unemployment rate. [(L1 + L2 - J)/(L1 + L2 - AF).]  
V     I-5    Stock of inventories, end of period, in constant lc. [V-1 + V1.
             Base value of zero was used for the period (quarter or year) 
             prior to the beginning of the data.]  
V1    I-4    Inventory investment in constant lc. [OECD data or IFS93I/PY.]  
W     12     Nominal wage rate. [IFS65 or IFS65EY.]  
X     I-3    Final sales in constant lc. [Y - V1.]  
XS    exog   Other goods, services, and income (credit) in 90 lc. BOP data. 
X90$  L-2    Merchandise exports from the trade share matrix in 90 $. 
             [See Table B.4.]  
Y     4      Real GDP or GNP in constant lc. [OECD data or IFS99A.P or 
             IFS99B.P or IFS99A.R or IFS99B.R.]  
YS    I-17   Potential value of Y. [LAM*JJP*POP.]  
Z     I-16   Labor constraint variable. [min(0, 1 - JJP/JJ).]  
ZZ    I-18   Demand pressure variable. [(YS-Y)/YS .]

lc      = local currency.
NIPA    = national income and product accounts. 
IFS xx  = variable number  xx  from the IFS data.
Table B.3 The Equations for a Given Country
				Table B.3 
                       The Equations for a Given Country  

Stochastic Equations 

LHS Var.          Explanatory Variables  

 1. log(M/POP) 
                  cnst, log(M/POP)-1, log(PY/PM), RS or RB, log(Y/POP), 
 2. log(C/POP)   
                  cnst, log(C/POP)-1, RS or RB, log(Y/POP), [A/(PY*YS)]-1  
 3. logI   
                  cnst, logI-1, logY, RS or RB   
 4. Y   
                  cnst, Y-1, X, V-1    
 5. logPY   
                  cnst, T, logPY-1, logPM, logW, DP
 6. log[M1/(POP*PY)]   
                  cnst, log[M1/(POP*PY)]-1 or log[M1-1/(POP-1*PY)], 
                  RS, log(Y/POP)   
 7. RS   
                  cnst, RS-1, PCPY, ZZ or JJS, [A/(PY*YS)]-1, 
                  [A/(PY*YS)]-2, RSUS :
                  PCPY = 100[(PY/PY-1 )^4 - 1] 
 8. RB - RS-2    
                  cnst, RB-1 - RS-2, RS - RS-2, RS-1 - RS-2    
 9. <>logE   
                  cnst, log(PY/PYUS) - logE-1, logEGE - log(PY/PYUS),
                  .25*log[(1 + RS/100)/(1 + RSUS/100)]   
 10. logF    
                  logEE, .25*log[(1 + RS/100)/(1 + RSUS/100)]   
 11. log[PX/(PW$*E)]
                  logPY - log(PW$*E)   
 12. logW   
                  cnst, T, logW-1, logPY, DW, logPY-1,  
 13. <>logJ  
                  cnst, T, log(J/JMIN)-1, <>logY, <>logY-1    
 14. log(L1/POP1)   
                  cnst, T, log(L1/POP1)-1, log(W/PY), Z   
 15. log(L2/POP2)   
                  cnst, T, log(L2/POP2)-1, log(W/PY), Z   


 I-1.   IM = PM90(M + MS) + IMDS   
 I-2.   EX = PX90(E90*X90$ + XS) + EXDS 
 I-3.   X = C + I + G + EX - IM + STAT    
 I-4.   V1 = Y - X   
 I-5.   V = V-1 + V1    
 I-6.   S = PX(E90*X90$ + XS) - PM(M + MS) + TT   
 I-7.   A = A-1 + S   
 I-8.   M90$A = M/E90 - M90$B    
 I-9.   EE = 2*PSI1*E - EE-1     
I-12.   UR = (L1 + L2 - J)/(L1 + L2 - AF)    
I-13.   JMIN = Y/LAM   
I-14.   JJ = J/POP    
I-15.   JJS = JJ/JJP   
I-16.   Z = min(0, 1 - JJP/JJ)    
I-17.   YS = LAM*JJP*POP    
I-18.   ZZ = (YS - Y)/YS    
I-19.   PM = PSI2*PMP    
I-20    E = H*EGE

Variables Explained When the Countries are Linked Together (Table B.4)  

 L-1    PX$   
 L-2.   X90$    
 L-3.   PMP    
 L-4.   PW$
Table B.4 Equations that Pertain to the Trade and Price Links Among Countries
				Table B.4 
      Equations that Pertain to the Trade and Price Links Among Countries 

L-1.  PX$i  = (E90i/Ei)PXi, i = 1 ,..., 44  

L-2.  X90$i = Sum45j=1aijM90$Aj, i = 1, ..., 33   

L-3.  PMPi  = (Ei/E90i)Sum44j=1ajiPX$j, i = 1, ..., 33 

               An element in this summation is skipped if aji is
               missing or PX$j is missing. PMPi is not
               computed if Ei is missing or E90i is missing.

L-4.  PW$i  = (Sum33j=1PX$jX90$j)/(Sum33j=1X90$j), i = 1, ..., 33 

               An element in this summation is skipped if PX$j is missing
               or X90$j is missing or j = i. This summation also excludes 
               SA and VE, which are the oil exporting countries among the 33. 

Construction of aij:

The raw data are:

  XX$ij    Merchandise exports i to j in $, i,j = 1, ..., 44  [DOT data.]  
  X$i      Total merchandise exports (fob) in $. i = 1, ..., 33  [IFS70/E.] 

The constructed variables are:

 XX$i45   = X$i - Sum44j=1XX$ij, i = 1, ..., 33 

 XX90$ij  = XX$ij/PX$i, i = 1, ..., 44, j = 1, ..., 45 

                    XX90$ij is missing if XX$ij is missing or PX$i is missing.

 M90$Ai    = Sum44j=1XX90$ji, i = 1, ..., 45 

 X90$i     = Sum45j=1XX90$ij, i = 1, ..., 33 

 aij       = XX90$ij/M90$Aj, i = 1, ..., 44, j = 1, ..., 45 

Linking of the Annual and Quarterly Data 

     Quarterly data exist for all the trade share calculations, and all 
these calculations are quarterly.  Feeding into these calculations from 
the annual models are predicted annual values of PX$i, M90$Ai, 
and Ei. For each of these three variables the predicted value
for a given quarter was taken to be the predicted annual value multiplied
by the ratio of the actual quarterly value to the actual annual value.  
This means in effect that the distribution of an annual value into its 
quarterly values is taken to be exogenous.  

     Once the quarterly values have been computed from the trade share 
calculations, the annual values of X90$ i that are needed for the 
annual models are taken to be the sums of the quarterly values. Similarly, 
the annual values of PMPi and PW$i are taken to be 
the averages of the quarterly values. 
Table B.5 Links Between the US and ROW Models
				Table B.5 
                      Links Between the US and ROW Models 

The data on the variables for the United States that are needed when the 
US model is imbedded in the MC model were collected as described in Table B.2.
These variables are (with the US subscript dropped): EXDS, IMDS, M, MS, M90$A,
M90$B, PM, PMP, PSI2, PW$, PX (= PX$), S, TT, XS, and X90$. The PX variable 
here is not the same as the PX variable in Appendix A.  

Variable  Determination  

  X90$US    Determined in Table B.4 

  PMPUS     Determined in Table B.4 

  PW$US     Determined in Table B.4 

  PXUS      Determined by equation 132 in the US model.  This
            equation is equivalent to equation 11 for the other 
            countries. See the discussion in Section 9.2. 

  PEX       = DEL3*PXUS. In the US model by itself, PEX  
            is determined as PSI1*PX, which is equation 32 in Table A.2.  
            This equation is dropped when the US model is linked to 
            the ROW model. DEL3 is constructed from the data as
            PEX/PXUS and is taken to be exogenous. 

  PMUS      = PSI2US*PMPUS. This is the same as equation I-19 
            for the other countries. 

  PIM       = DEL4*PMUS.  PIM is an exogenous variable in the 
            US model by itself. DEL4 is constructed from the data as  
            PIM/PMUS and is taken to be exogenous. 

  EX        = (X90$US + XSUS + EXDSUS)/1000.
            This is the same as equation I-2 for the other countries.   
            EX is an exogenous variable in the US model by itself.  EXDSUS  
            is constructed from the data as 1000*EX-X90$US - XSUS
            and is taken to be exogenous. 

  MUS       = 1000*IM - MSUS - IMDSUS.  This is the 
            same as equation I-1 for the other countries.  IMDSUS is
            constructed from the data as 1000*IM - MUS - MSUS
            and is taken to be exogenous. 

  M90$AUS   = MUS - M90$BUS. This is the same as 
            equation I-8 for the other countries. 

  SUS       = PXUS(X90$US + XSUS) - PMUS(MUS + MSUS) + TTUS.  
            This is the same as equation I-6 for the other countries. 


     The new exogenous variables for the US model when it is linked to the 
ROW model are  DEL3, DEL4, EXDSUS, IMDSUS, M90$BUS, MSUS, 
PSI2US, TTUS, and XSUS.  EX and PIM are exogenous 
in the US model by itself, but endogenous when the US model is linked to the ROW model.  
Table B.6 The Procedure Used to Create Quarterly Data from Annual Data
				Table B.6 
         The Procedure Used to Create Quarterly Data from Annual Data 

Let yt be the (observed) average value of the variable for yeart, 
and let  yit be the (unobserved) average value of the variable for
quarter i of year t (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). Then: 
(i) y1t + y2t + y3t + y4t =
        1  for flow variables (at quarterly rates)
 q  =  
        4  for stock variables and price variables

     Assume that the annual data begin in year 1, and let q.y1 = a1,
q.y2 = a2, q.y3 = a3, ...  The key assumption is that the four quarterly 
changes within the year are the same: 

                                                              d2 for t = 1,2
(ii) y1t - y4t-1 = y2t - y1t = y3t - y2t = y4t - y3t = 
                                                              dt for t = 3,...
Given i and ii for t = 1,2, one can solve for y40 and d2 in terms of a1 and a2:
y40 = (13/32)a1 - (5/32)a2

d2  = (a2 - a1)/16
Using y40 and d2, one can then construct quarterly data for
years 1 and 2 using ii. Given y42 from these calculations and given i
and ii for  t=3, one can solve for d3 in terms of a3 and y42:
d3 = (a3 - 4y42)/10 
Using y42 and d3, one can then construct quarterly data for year 3.
One can then solve for d4 in terms of y43 and a4, and so on.

     The annual population data that were collected for the model are mid
year estimates. In order to apply the above procedure to these data, the
assumption was made that the average value for the year equals the mid 
year value.  
Table B.7 Construction of the Balance of Payments Data: Data for S and TT
				Table B.7 
      Construction of the Balance of Payments Data:  Data for S and TT   

The relevant raw data variables are: 

M$'    Goods imports (fob) in $, BOP data. [IFS78ABD.]    
M$     Goods imports (fob) in $. [IFS71V/E.]    
X$'    Goods exports (fob) in $, BOP data. [IFS78AAD.]    
X$     Goods exports (fob) in $. [IFS70/E.]    
MS$    Services and income (debit) in $, BOP data. [IFS78AED + IFS78AHD.]    
XS$    Services and income (credit) in $, BOP data. [IFS78ADD + IFS78AGD.]    
XT$    Current transfers, n.i.e., (credit) in $ BOP data. [IFS78AJD.]    
MT$    Current transfers, n.i.e., (debit) in $ BOP data. [IFS78AKD.] 
  • When quarterly data on all the above variables were available, 
    then S$ and TT$ were constructed as:
    (i) S$ = X$' + XS$ - M$' - MS$ + XT$ - MT$
    (ii) TT$ = S$ - X$ - XS$ + M$ + MS$
    where S$ is total net goods, services, and transfers in $ (balance of
    payments on current account) and TT$ is total net transfers in $.
  • When only annual data on M$' were available and quarterly
    data were needed, interpolated quarterly data were constructed using 
    M$. Similarly for MS$.
    When only annual data on X$' were available and quarterly data
    were needed, interpolated quarterly data were constructed using X$.
    Similarly for XS$, XT$, and MT$.
    When no data on M$' were available, then M$' was taken to be
    q.M$, where q is the last observed value of M$'/M$. 
    Similarly for MS$ (where q is the last observed annual value of MS$/M$.)
    When no data on X$' were available, then X$' was taken to be q.X$,
    where q is the last observed value of X$'/X$. Similarly for XS$ (where 
    q is the last observed annual value of XS$/X$), for XT$ (where q is the 
    last observed annual value of XT$/X$), and for MT$ (where q is the last 
    observed annual value of MT$/X$).
    Equations i and ii were then used to construct quarterly data for S$ and TT$.
  • After data on S$ and TT$ were constructed, data on S and TT were 
    constructed as:
    (iii) S = E*S$
    (iv) TT = E*TT$
  • Note from MS and XS in Table B.2 and from MS$ and XS$ above that
    (v) MS$ = (PM*MS)/E
    (vi) XS$ = (PX*XS)/E
    Note also from Table B.2 that 
    (vii) M$ = (PM*M)/E
    (viii) X$ = (E90*PX*X90$)/E
    Therefore, from equations ii-vii, the equation for S can be written
    S = PX(E90*X90$ + XS) - PM(M + MS) + TT 
    which is equation I-6 in Table B.3.